Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We used to vote for the BEST and the BRIGHTEST. They don't run for political office any more. We are left with crumbums. Sad ain't it?

We used to vote for the BEST and the BRIGHTEST. They don't run for political office any more. We are left with crumbums. Sad ain't it?

Posted - December 8, 2017


  • You need to check out your American History. You haven't always gotten the best and brightest even when they ran for office. The results of elections reflect the electorate. This is one of the prime reasons Democrats lost in 2016. Rather than comprehensive answers to major problems, we got tagged as "deploreables" for even asking.
      December 8, 2017 12:37 PM MST

  • I think maybe it has a lot to do with the money it costs to run a campaign?
    I did think Hillary was the best and brightest of the bunch.
    I mean I'm Canadian so I can understand Bernie Sanders wanting universal healthcare and a more socialist agenda, but he was a little too focused on only a few issues where as Hillary seemed more experienced overall.
    Trump on the other hand didn't have any real experience governing or in senate.
    I mean he wasn't even the mayor of a town, but now he's running the government. LoL!

    To answer your question I had been watching the news at times and I've listened to aa lot of the news anchors and CNN contributors and I've thought to myself many times "Hey, Jake Tapper, Briana Keilar, Brooke Baldwin etc. you know way more than Trump about politics and behaving yourselves why the hell aren't you people running for office rather than sitting here talking about Trump?"
    They're just as qualified as he is.
    So yeah, I hear what you're saying and it is sad that out of 300 million people Trump the best the United States could produce?

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 9, 2017 10:52 AM MST
      December 8, 2017 12:56 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for very thoughtful analysis in reply to my question m'dear. It's so weird though if you think about. You would think that the "best and the brightest" would  be very successful and have oodles and oodles of money with which to run a campaign. It doesn't speak well for us that the zillionaire boobs are the only ones who can afford to run for public office. I agree about Bernie. His interests were too narrow for me. Hillary had way more experience in politics though her personality is a little offputting. No one is perfect. I was torn about the vote and almost voted for the Green Party candidate. But I didn't want to waste my vote so I voted for Hillary. Never in my worst nightmare could I imagine what we got! The dregs of humanity with such evil intentions. SIGH. Now we jjust have to buckle up, hold on tight and wait for a Deux ex Machina or other miracle to save us. This is where in the movie you wake up and realize it was all a horrible nightmare. I'm still waiting for the nightmare to end. What would have happened if Russia hadn't been grooming Trump to be prez for FIVE YEARS? I think we all know how much its invasion of our society changed the outcome. I guess we got what we deserved though I didn't vote for the doofus don. 62 million citizens did. Of course 65 million voted for Hillary and therein lies the extreme stupidity of the Electoral College system. The loser gets elected prez and the winner doesn't. Tell me in what universe that makes any sense? :( Happy Saturday Truthseeker! :)
      December 9, 2017 3:05 AM MST

  • Yes I was TOTALLY shocked when Trump won that election.
    I knew that a lot of people didn't care for Hillary, but I didn't think that they would honestly vote for Trump.
    As a foreigner my first thought was "Wow, they managed to rig that election somehow because Trump is WAY too crazy to actually have been elected legitimately."
    Either that or the american people have been really distracted throughout this entire campaign.
    I think conservatives were even shocked that he won.
    They even thought that he would lose in a landslide.
    That to me smells fishy, but whatever?
    I guess what's done is done.

    Yes, I wonder about that electoral college system?
    I'm not sure how that works, but it feels like an election loophole or an opportunity for something dirty to happen.
    I don't know?

    As a foreigner the two main things I worry about with Trump is his inexperience with diplomacy and his desire to erase everything that President Obama accomplished during his two terms in office.
    Trump is beyond dangerous in my opinion and it is very sad and terrifying really.

    Anyway, good luck and happy Saturday.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at December 9, 2017 7:54 AM MST
      December 9, 2017 4:02 AM MST

  • 113301
    Russia was the cause of the Trump win. They have been grooming him for 5 years to become prez. Wikileaks is an arm of Russia and it was used when Dem emails were hacked.  The collusion and invasion and cooperation between Trump and his toadies and Russian spies was overwheliming. That is what Robert Mueller, special counsel, is working on now. There are dozens and dozens of American citizens working for Trump who cooperated in this endeavor. Russia is still working behind the scenes. When it is all  disclosed the illegitimacy of a donald john presidency will be revealed. Whether all the damage he has done can be reversed I sincerely doubt. He knows he is on borrowed time so he doing all the damage he can as quickly as he can while he can. It is the most arduous thing to be an American at this moment in history. Thank you for your reply Truthseeker! :)
      December 9, 2017 7:59 AM MST

  • 13071
    I think we have the best and the brightest right now. President Trump. 
      December 8, 2017 3:03 PM MST

  • 7280
    As uncle bob observed above in his answer, "The results of elections reflect the electorate."

    In this case, the only good news is that he was elected by a minority of the electorate---which at least gives me hope for the future.

    On the other hand, some members of that minority may not yet fully understand the mistake they made.

    I just hope we can salvage the country at the next opportunity.
      December 8, 2017 4:10 PM MST

  • 113301
    Russia groomed Trump for FIVE YEARS to insure that he would become prez. We could not recover from that insidious plot. It spread like a cancer and metastasized. By the time of the election too much was corrupted. But I also blame the stupidity of the electoral college. In what universe does it make sense for the LOSER by about 3 million votes to become prez and the winner to not? Yet here we are. As for the Trump voters. They will never admit they made a mistake. NEVER. They are just like the Doofus Don who believes whatever he does/says is PERFECT. If they admit they were wrong the skies will fall. So what comes next? Well Doofus Donny is petrified and when he is petrified he fires people. He and his equally evil toady cronies are trying to undermine Mueller and take him down and out. It is obvious he has a great deal to hide but his worshippers don't give a rat's a**. They bought him and they own him and they will not abandon him even if they know he is their undoing.  They prefer him with his sexually perverted deviate doings. They prefer Roy Moore with his pedophilia on display for all to see. They are peculiar in that regard. Go figger! Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday tom ! :)
      December 9, 2017 3:12 AM MST

  • 22891
    sounds like it
      December 8, 2017 4:58 PM MST

  • 10491

    The "best and the brightest" don't have the money to run.  You practically have to be a millionaire in order to get into office.  Even then your entire life is put under a microscope and even the slightest misdeed can cause you to lose (He smoked a joint when he was 15! Sure sign he's an drug addict!).

    I don't mean any offence, but being rich doesn't mean one is all that smart.  Although I'm sure there are many wealthy folks who are intelligent, they're just not in politics (they're too smart for that).

      December 8, 2017 5:32 PM MST

  • 113301
    When you are born to wealth like doofus don you don't have to lift a finger to be a "success". He is a lousy businessman. He stiffs people. He cheats people. He declared bankruptcy SIX TIMES. He lies to them and doesn't deliver what he promised. Everyone knew what a scumbag he was when he entered the campaign. But you know Shuhak there are many folks who are fascinated by someone as rotten as he is. Ever been in a movie theater where the audience clapped and cheered for the bad guys? It's unsettling but that is exactly what's going on here. They WANT the bad guys to win. Now you might rightly ask "what's wrong with them?". I don't really know but I expect it's because they are all bad guys too and the evil doofus don gets away with doing what they would love to do. Screw things up. Destroy what's good. Reverse what benefits us and leave us adrift or take away the safety net and force us to do the highwire act until we fall to our death. They are equally evil. Maybe they realize it. Maybe they don't. They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer or they would not have backed such a monster. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. I agree. The good ones are too smart to get caught in the grinder of politics. To our detriment.. What happens next?  I have no idea. :(
      December 9, 2017 3:23 AM MST

  • 10491
    Sometimes people cheer for the bad guy (in movies) because the good guy's a jerk. Of course sometimes that was the intention of the screenwriter. 
    Some people cheer for the rich because they think that in doing so the person might share their wealth with the them  This is completely illogical (and foolish), as the rich nearly always oppress the poor (as can be seen throughout history as well as in the present time).  Yet for some strange reason people still do it.
      December 9, 2017 10:13 AM MST